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The Online Therapy Program


The Therapists

At, we understand how important it is to maintain a flow in your therapy process, especially when it comes to interactions with your therapist. This overview will help you understand the response times you can expect from your therapist and how our communication system supports your therapy journey.

Response times from your therapist

  • Standard response time: You will typically receive feedback from your therapist within a maximum of 24 hours, Monday through Friday. This ensures that even though the worksheet and the messaging communication isn’t in real-time, you still receive prompt and consistent feedback on your entries and your messages.
  • Faster replies: Often, your therapist will respond much quicker, sometimes within a few hours or even minutes, depending on their availability and the complexity of your worksheet entries and your messages.
  • No scheduling required: The beauty of communicating through worksheets and messaging is that it does not require real-time interaction. You can write down your thoughts and read your therapist’s comments whenever it is convenient for you, making it easier to fit therapy into your busy schedule.

Live therapy sessions

In addition to worksheet and messaging communication, you can schedule live therapy sessions. These real-time sessions are available as video, voice, or messaging, providing versatile options to meet your needs.

  • Standard subscription: Includes one 45-minute live therapy session per week.
  • Premium subscription: Offers two 45-minute live sessions per week.
  • Basic subscribers: Live sessions are not included in the Basic subscription. If live interaction is important to you, consider upgrading to the Standard or Premium plans for enhanced direct support.

Issues with response times?

If you experience delays or are not receiving timely responses from your therapist, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our goal is to ensure your therapy experience is smooth and beneficial.


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