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Yes, we do offer couples therapy! Our program is designed to support both partners in a relationship through comprehensive therapeutic methods that facilitate communication, understanding, and growth.

Features of our couples therapy

  • Weekly live sessions: Each week, you and your partner will participate in a live therapy session with your therapist. This provides a dedicated time for both of you to discuss issues, progress, and strategies together under the guidance of a professional.
  • Unlimited messaging: Throughout the week, both partners can message your therapist with any concerns or thoughts that arise. You can expect a reply within 24 hours, Monday through Friday, ensuring continuous support throughout your therapy journey.
  • Individual therapy components: In addition to joint sessions and messaging, our couples therapy includes individual access to our comprehensive 8-section online therapy program. This includes:
    • Worksheets: Engage with tailored worksheets that help you reflect and work through personal and relational issues, with daily responses from your therapist.
    • Journal and activity plan: Utilize tools such as a personal journal and a structured activity plan to support your personal and relational growth.
    • Yoga sessions: Access to yoga sessions to help reduce stress and improve mental and physical well-being.

Benefits of online couples therapy

  • Convenience: There’s no need to travel to an office or arrange for a babysitter. Our online platform makes it easy to fit therapy into your busy schedule, allowing you to focus on rebuilding and strengthening your relationship from the comfort of your home.
  • Rediscover love: Our therapy program is designed not just to address issues but also to help you rediscover the love and connection that brought you together.
  • Affordable pricing: The cost for couples therapy is $96 per week for the two of you, including a 20% discount for your first month. This investment in your relationship can lead to life-changing improvements and lasting positive changes.

Ready to begin a new chapter in your relationship?

Sign up for couples therapy today and take the first step towards a stronger, more fulfilling partnership.


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