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The Online Therapy Program


The Therapists

Online therapy offers several advantages over traditional face-to-face therapy sessions, especially when it comes to reviewing your therapy history. At, you can easily access and review past messages and feedback from your therapist at any time.

Why reviewing past messages is beneficial

  • Improved retention: During in-person therapy sessions, it can be challenging to recall all the details of the advice and feedback given by your therapist. Our online platform lets you revisit previous worksheet and messaging interactions with your therapist as often as needed, helping you fully absorb the information.
  • Progress monitoring: Access to past interactions is not just about remembering what was said; it’s also a valuable tool for tracking your progress. You can review earlier messages and feedback to see how far you’ve come, noting improvements and areas that still need work.
  • Enhanced reflection: Being able to look back at your therapy history aids in reflection and deeper understanding. It allows you to observe patterns and growth over time, enhancing the therapeutic process.

How to access previous worksheet and messaging interactions

Simply log into your dashboard on and navigate to the worksheets section. There you’ll find all previous entries, along with messages and feedback from your therapist. This setup ensures you never lose track of valuable insights and advice, empowering you to progress effectively in your therapy journey.

Take advantage of comprehensive therapy tools

With, not only can you engage in impactful therapy sessions, but you also benefit from having a detailed record of your journey accessible anytime. Start your therapy with us today and take full control of your mental health progression.


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