Day 6: Yoga for Legs and Balance

Duration: 12 min
Level: All levels
Props: Strap/belt
Let us know what you think!

Welcome to Day 6 of Your 7-Day Yoga Journey! Today’s session focuses on strengthening and stretching your legs while cultivating balance—both on and off the yoga mat. By practicing strength and balance here, you can begin to carry these qualities into your daily life, helping you navigate stress and anxiety with greater resilience and ease.

This 10-minute practice is designed to release physical tension, enhance mobility, and promote a sense of focus and stability. We’ll begin with Reclined Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana) to gently stretch the hamstrings, then flow through poses like High Lunge, Warrior 3, and Eagle Pose to build strength and balance. We’ll finish with Janu Sirsasana and Reclined Butterfly to relax and release any tension in your legs and hips.

A yoga strap (or any type of belt) is recommended to assist with deeper stretches and make Reclined Big Toe Pose more accessible. As you move and breathe through this sequence, focus on how balance and strength in your body can create a greater sense of grounding and confidence in your everyday life.

These yoga practices are a perfect complement to your therapeutic journey. Use them alongside our live therapy sessions and online tools to deepen your ability to manage stress, process emotions, and build inner stability.

Take this time to care for your body and mind. I’d love to hear how this session felt for you—share your thoughts and any suggestions for future classes!

Sending you love, happiness and ease!


Your yoga teacher at online-therapy·com

petra (at)