Melissa McCauley-Burow (LPC, CRADC) in Edina, MO, USA

Melissa McCauley-Burow



Verified Credentials

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About Me

Hello! I commend you for making the decision to explore on-line counseling services. Whether you are struggling with depression or trying to problem solve, therapy can be an excellent choice for support, encouragement, a different perspective and opportunity to learn new skills.

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Missouri, and a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Internationally Recognized as a Reciprocal Counselor in Missouri. In addition, I am a Missouri Certified Clinical Supervisor. I have been providing therapy for the past 14 years and have been in the mental health field for 17 years. My undergraduate degree is in English, and Journalism and I completed graduate studies at Quincy University, with a Master’s in Education – Community Counseling. A diverse career in journalism, teaching youth, experience working in the law enforcement and juvenile justice/court system, and my years in mental health have allowed me to work with clients with diverse and unique needs.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) allows me to counsel in a way that helps people understand how their thoughts impact their feelings and behaviors. I have a history in the education field and a passion for encouraging people to better understand and respect their mind, body, and spirit. When a person comes to understand and believe they have the ability to better manage thoughts, endure difficult emotions, and change behaviors, they can begin to heal those parts of their lives that they feel are out of control. Using CBT, my clients can make sense of their life – why and how certain things happen and how they can replace feelings of fear and helplessness with practical skills. Change is possible!

When I am not meeting with the amazing people with whom I provide counseling, I enjoy travelling, hiking, crocheting, reading, and spending time with my three adult children.

Thank you for reaching out and I look forward to helping you meet your goals if you decide to work with me.

My Contact Information
Edina, Missouri  63537
United States

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My Credentials
Credential type: License
Type: Licensed Professional Counselor
License State: Missouri
License Number: 2009010209
License Expiration: 6/2023
Status: Verified
Credential type: Certificate
Type: Certified Reciprocal Alcohol Drug Counselor
Accrediting Institution: Missouri Credentialing Board
Certificate ID/Number: 3266
Year Issued: 2020
Status: Verified
My Therapy Approach
ADHD & Attention Issues
Bipolar Disorder
Borderline Personality
Chronic Pain
Cognitive Therapy
Group Therapy
Individual Therapy
Therapy I offer:
Text Chat
My Languages:

Melissa McCauley-Burow has an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars (3 reviews).

Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"I have been working with Melissa for a few months now and she has been so helpful, not just during out sessions but between them as well. I am able to message her and receive thorough responses between sessions. She has provided so many great external resources for me to look into. I am so thankful for her calming presence as I work thru some big life changes."


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"Excellent service with insightful, dedicated therapists! I highly recommend!"


Rating: [5 out of 5 stars!]

"The sign-up process was easy and quick. The questions on the worksheet are thought provoking and insightful."


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