Danae Knowles - Licensed Professional Counselor in Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Danae Knowles



Verified Credentials
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About Me

Therapy is both a profession and a passion for me. As a practitioner, I try to use the experiences I've lived and the experiences of my clients to help inform how I work with my clients. I see the client as the expert on their own experience and my role as being someone to help frame those experiences in helpful and productive way. I like to use a systemic approach with indivuduals that focuses on balancing the influence of the inner and outer world. I specialize in neurodivergency, trauma, queer issues, polyamory, and other assorted concerns. I have a genuine passion for other people and a knack for pointing out the heart of an issue. As a neurodivergent person myself, I strive to create a situation for my clients that feel safe, comforting, and encouraging as well as being a place where it's okay to unmask and reveal yourself as you truly are. Life is complicated and complex and the ways that we engage with it are many and varied. I love getting to know my clients and learning how to engage with them in meaningful, impactful ways.

My Contact Information
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15217
United States
My Credentials
Credential type: License
Type: Licensed Professional Counselor
License State: Pennsylvania
License Number: PC015102
License Expiration: 2/2025
Status: Verified
My Therapy Approach
ADHD & Attention Issues
Asperger's Syndrome
Self Esteem
Sex & Sexuality
Sleep or Insomnia
Social Anxiety
Trauma and/or Abuse
Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Therapy
Emotionally Focused
Existential Therapy
Humanistic Therapy
Individual Therapy
Trauma Focused
Therapy I offer:
Text Chat
My Languages:

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