A few months back the entire world fraternity observed the “World Mental Health Day”. For everyone else it was like a normal day with everyday – routine activities. But, it was a very special day for mental health professionals and people ailling with mental health problems. When I asked some of the people around me, many of them did not know the significance of this important day. I was amazed by this. Till today in many regions people are unaware about mental health hygiene, mental health problems, etc. Mental illness is still seen as a taboo in many regions. You won’t believe but till date in many unseen corners of the world, people are still ill-treated due to their mental health issues.

Owing to this I thought of creating a play-way method of making you know more about mental health, create awareness and sensitization about it. We all have ample knowledge about the daily affairs and general knowledge…but let’s see if you know the simple technical know-how and different aspects of mental health or not. Trust me, the knowledge you will gain here or the scores you will score here will help you in your life and help you in brightening up some other’s life as well.

Coming up next is a crossword puzzle on Mental Health Quotient. So lets begin your MQ test and see how much do you score!


  1. The science or study of human behavior
  2. The part of your body that controls and regulates all major/vital functions
  3. Functional part of the human brain
  4. Father of Psychology
  5. Irrational and intense fear about something specific
  6. Feelings of worry, tension, apprehension
  7. Constant feeling to be isolated, feelings of dejection, sadness, etc
  8. Your body weight is calculated through this scale
  9. Manic-depressive illness is also known as——
  10. World Mental Health Day is observed in this month

Tomorrow we will reveal the correct answers on our Facebook page!  See you there…

Best Wishes,
