Phobias Archives

What is Health (Illness) Anxiety, How to Support Loved Ones, & How to Cope with Symptoms

By |August 9th, 2022|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Health, Panic attack, Phobia|

What is Illness Anxiety Disorder? Illness anxiety disorder, previously referred to as hypochondria or health anxiety, involves excessive worry that you are or will become seriously ill. This can involve having no physical symptoms, or believing normal sensations of the body, or even minor symptoms, are signs of serious illness. This can be present [...]

How to Utilize CBT for Social Anxiety

By |April 23rd, 2022|Categories: Adults, Anxiety, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health, Panic attack, Personal development, Phobia, Social Anxiety|

We all have our moments where we find ourselves feeling anxious in social situations. Social anxiety may be brought on by the social situation, such as meeting a significant other's family for the first time. It also can be due to the people you find yourself surrounded with, such as new groups of individuals [...]

Phobia and its Brain Chemistry

By |November 19th, 2014|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Health, Panic attack, Phobia|

“Fear can make a moth seem the size of a bull elephant.” - Stephen Richards, Releasing You from Fear Close your eyes for a moment and try to imagine the following situations: gasping for breathe in a crowded or closed place, trembling with fear prior to public speaking, panicking with dread be seeing heights and water, [...]

Online Treatment of Emetophobia – The Intense Fear of Vomiting

By |September 1st, 2014|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Health, Phobia, Treatment|

Have you seen someone extremely afraid of vomiting, sickness or feeling nauseated every time? The intense fear of vomiting, fear of throwing up in public, feeling pukish under stressful and anxiety-provoking conditions… is known as emetophobia. It is derived from the amalgamation of two Greek words, viz. εμετός or emesis meaning to vomit and [...]

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