Panic Attack Articles

Unique Trauma and The Anxiety That Follows

By |May 28th, 2021|Categories: Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Panic attack, Stress|

TRIGGER WARNING: This article will speak of sexual content, trauma, and betrayal. As children, we have all of the trust in the world. We put our faith in those around us; our parents, friends, teachers, babysitters, and so on. As we get older, different things make trusting others more challenging. Whether it be due to [...]

Phobia and its Brain Chemistry

By |November 19th, 2014|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Health, Panic attack, Phobia|

“Fear can make a moth seem the size of a bull elephant.” - Stephen Richards, Releasing You from Fear Close your eyes for a moment and try to imagine the following situations: gasping for breathe in a crowded or closed place, trembling with fear prior to public speaking, panicking with dread be seeing heights and water, [...]

How to Survive a Panic Attack

By |December 30th, 2013|Categories: Mental Health, Panic attack, Treatment|

Panic attack A panic attack is certainly not welcome. Once it comes it takes a toll on you and makes your life horrible. Though it only lasts for a few moments, these moments can become the most difficult moments of your life. That is why it is very necessary to know about some [...]

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