LGBTQ2+ Articles

Wear it Purple Day! What is it & How to Get Involved

By |August 24th, 2023|Categories: LGBTQ2+, Mental Health, Sexuality|

What is the Purpose of Wear It Purple Day? Wear It Purple is an organization that was originally founded in 2010. The inspiration was a response to stories of teenagers taking their own lives due to bullying and harassment in regard to their sexuality or gender identity. The organization aims to create supportive, safe, [...]

10 Ways to Show Support to the Transgender Community

By |April 3rd, 2023|Categories: Adults, CBT, LGBTQ2+, Mental Health, Relationships|

Transgender Day of Visibility Each year on March 31st, the world celebrates Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV). This day is celebrated to raise awareness about transgender people. The day is utilized to acknowledge the contributions of trans individuals. It also aims at educating people on the poverty, discrimination, and violence that the transgender [...]

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