Wear it Purple Day! What is it & How to Get Involved

By |August 24th, 2023|Categories: LGBTQ2+, Mental Health, Sexuality|

What is the Purpose of Wear It Purple Day? Wear It Purple is an organization that was originally founded in 2010. The inspiration was a response to stories of teenagers taking their own lives due to bullying and harassment in regard to their sexuality or gender identity. The organization aims to create supportive, safe, [...]

Sexual Assault Awareness

By |May 8th, 2023|Categories: Adults, CBT, Health, Mental Health, Sexuality, Trauma, Treatment|

What is Sexual Assault? Sexual assault or sexual violence refers to any sexual activity where one party was unable or unwilling to offer consent. Sexual assault is a major public health crisis in the United States. This type of event has a life-long impact on victims' health, opportunities, and well-being. Individuals of all genders, [...]

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