CBT Articles

How to Utilize CBT for Intrusive Thoughts

By |April 30th, 2022|Categories: CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Everyday tips, Mental Health|

Imagine you are sitting in bed relaxing when out of no where you have an unsettling thought. The thought feels random and unprompted, which leads to fear and anxiety. This can feel uncomfortable and may lead to feeling guilty for having the thought. While these thoughts are, in reality, of no harm to you, they [...]

10 Reasons to Try CBT

By |April 26th, 2022|Categories: CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health, Wellness|

Perhaps you have heard about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as CBT.  Have you ever wondered what makes CBT unique compared to other types of therapies that are offered?  If so, you are in the right place!  In this article we are going to explore the different components of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. #1 CBT [...]

How to Utilize CBT for Social Anxiety

By |April 23rd, 2022|Categories: Adults, Anxiety, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health, Panic attack, Personal development, Phobia, Social Anxiety|

We all have our moments where we find ourselves feeling anxious in social situations. Social anxiety may be brought on by the social situation, such as meeting a significant other's family for the first time. It also can be due to the people you find yourself surrounded with, such as new groups of individuals [...]

Reasons Why Online Therapy Works

By |April 12th, 2022|Categories: Adults, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Everyday tips, Treatment|

When Covid-19 led to mass shutdowns globally, we as a society quickly turned to technology to find ways to work, interact, and even receive medical attention.  One of the biproducts of this concept is a major surge in Teletherapy.  People could now access mental health services from the comfort of their own home.  Today, [...]

How to Utilize CBT for Trauma

By |April 9th, 2022|Categories: CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health, Panic attack, PTSD|

What is Trauma? Trauma is defined as "an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster."Written by American Psychological Association . Trauma can be a multitude of things and can differ from one person to the next. What is traumatic to one person may not be to someone else, [...]

Four Ways to Manage Distressing Emotions

By |April 7th, 2022|Categories: Adults, Anxiety, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Mental Health, Panic attack, PTSD, Stress|

Distressing emotions can creep up on us rather quickly.  Sometimes there is a trigger, such as unexpected piece of news, or getting into verbal conflict with someone.  Other times, it may not feel as though there is a clear trigger, such as when a panic attack sets in.  When we experience distressing emotions, what can [...]

Finding Hope in Uncertainty

By |March 26th, 2022|Categories: Adults, Alternative Therapy, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Everyday tips, Kids, Mental Health, Personal development, Wellness|Tags: |

Introduction to Uncertainty The topic of uncertainty can feel overwhelming at the mere mention of the word.  Anxiety-provoking, the word “uncertainty” leaves a sour taste of confusion and sometimes even feelings of helplessness. Philosophers, psychologists, and artists alike will use the topic of uncertainty as a core topic in their work. Yet, despite the scary [...]

How to Utilize CBT for Sleep Problems

By |March 22nd, 2022|Categories: CBT, Everyday tips, Mental Health, Wellness|Tags: , |

Sleep is one of the most important factors in having a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Sleep can determine our mood, behavior, level of activity, and so on. Most people can say that if they do not sleep well one night, the next day or even next few days may result in feeling sluggish and irritable. [...]

4 Easy Steps to Use CBT For Anxiety

By |March 5th, 2022|Categories: Anxiety, CBT, Mental Health, Panic attack|

Introduction   Heart racing, sweating, feeling dizzy.  These are just some of the common symptoms of anxiety, and when it hits, it can feel like you are going through a whirlwind of emotions without a clear way out.  However, I am here to tell you that while the symptoms of anxiety can feel uncomfortable, and [...]

6 Signs of Enmeshment & What to Do

By |March 2nd, 2022|Categories: CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Everyday tips, Mental Health, Parenting, Personal development, Relationships|

What is Enmeshment? As relational beings, we have the core desire to love and be loved. This desire is inherently GOOD, but certain factors can cause this desire to become distorted. One way love and connection can become distorted is through enmeshment. Enmeshment is when the lives of two or more people become so intertwined [...]

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