About Sareeta Behera, BSc (Hons), MSc

I am a member of National Positive Psychology Association, National Association of Psychologists, a researcher and a trained therapist in Clinical Psychology (Bachelor of Science, Hons, in Psychology and Masters degree in Clinical Psychology), having more than 10 years of professional experience in the area.My professional training and experience in the field of mental health has enabled me to create marvels and fruitful treatment interventions in different mental health problems like anxiety, depression, stress, sleep disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, relationship issues, addiction treatment, panic attacks, phobias, behavioral problems, adolescent problems and so on.Post Graduation: Masters in Clinical Psychology. Graduation: B.A in Psychology (Honours). Psycho-Pharmacology under John D. Preston (US). Memberships: National Positive Psychology Association (NPPA) and National Association of Psychologists (NAOP)

The Psychophysical Route to Conception, Pregnancy and Childbirth

By |September 23rd, 2013|Categories: Parenting, Relationships|

Helped are those who create anything at all, for they shall relive the thrill of their own conception and realize a partnership in the creation of the Universe that keeps them responsible and cheerful. - Alice Walker  The essence of the world, the life force within you-me-everyone around us is “conception”. Without it life would [...]

Dealing with Anxiety: Some Handy Techniques

By |September 16th, 2013|Categories: Anxiety, Everyday tips, Mental Health|

Lucky is a man who leads an anxiety – free life. I always wonder if life can ever be sans anxiety or not. Juggling between life’s curve balls, fulfilling dreams, acquiring accomplishments, running ahead in cut-throat competitions, huh…I mean the list of anxiety-provoking situations around us is never-ending. When you have to go through so [...]

Add Beauty and Bounty to Your Life with “A to Z”

By |September 13th, 2013|Categories: Everyday tips, Mental Health|

A - Aim to be the best creation in this universe; aiming high with realistic goals will keep you away from the worse. B - Be positive and believe in the best; believe in the fact that you are indeed the best. C - Character is the best jewel that you possess, confidence and goodwill [...]

Life is just for once… Fill it with LIFE

By |September 6th, 2013|Categories: Everyday tips, Mental Health|

“You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don't know it, all of that doesn't even matter. Every second that you spend on doubting your worth, every moment that you use to criticize yourself; is a second of [...]

Anxiety: Reality or Illusion

By |September 3rd, 2013|Categories: Anxiety, Mental Health|

The heart pounding with fear, lungs gasping for air, hands trembling with apprehension, trepidation of negative thoughts hitting the mind……have you ever experienced all these? Many times in our lives we come across these feelings. While attending an interview, proposing to someone, speaking in public, before an examination, in a presentation or meeting, in social [...]

Effective Parenting: Charms and Challenges

By |August 27th, 2013|Categories: Everyday tips, Parenting|

Heavenly happiness embraced me when I came to know that I was pregnant! I can never forget that moment in my life. Thinking about the chuckles and giggles of our little one, his coos and babbles; his naughtiness and cuteness…All these filled my and my hubby’s heart with unending happiness.  I am sure many to-be [...]

Lifestyle Management – from a yogi’s perspective

By |August 20th, 2013|Categories: Mental Health|

Its half past five o’ clock in the morning and my mom yells, “Get up! Get up!”With a gasp and anger I get up from my cosy bed and am compelled to do all the routine work: Brushing, bathing, exercise, meditation, blah blah blah. As a teenager I did not like the way my mom [...]

Explore the Magic Within Yourself

By |August 8th, 2013|Categories: Mental Health|

Do you remember the last time when you laughed heartily, when you rolled on the floor laughing, when you stretched out your arms to embrace the cool and fresh breeze? Do you remember when you chuckled and cackled over some silly deed of yours, do you remember the last time when you felt the hugs [...]

Mental Health: Key to a balanced and happy life

By |July 27th, 2013|Categories: Mental Health|

The moment someone hears words such as ‘mad’, ‘insane’, ‘nuts’, ‘cranky’, etc. it sends jitters through the body and mind, doesn’t it? Majority of people in the world feel like this. Even I felt so but only before I entered into my Master’s Course in Clinical Psychology. Whew! I am relieved, as I have broken [...]

Depression and CBT

By |July 7th, 2013|Categories: CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Treatment|

“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” - Laurell K. Hamilton, (Mistral's Kiss) Almost in everyone’s lifetime there is a phase when pains and sadness, frustration and agonies strike from different dimensions and degrees. No matter how happy-go-lucky you are, no matter how strong [...]

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