Adults Articles

Four Ways to Manage Distressing Emotions

By |April 7th, 2022|Categories: Adults, Anxiety, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Mental Health, Panic attack, PTSD, Stress|

Distressing emotions can creep up on us rather quickly.  Sometimes there is a trigger, such as unexpected piece of news, or getting into verbal conflict with someone.  Other times, it may not feel as though there is a clear trigger, such as when a panic attack sets in.  When we experience distressing emotions, what can [...]

Finding Hope in Uncertainty

By |March 26th, 2022|Categories: Adults, Alternative Therapy, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Everyday tips, Kids, Mental Health, Personal development, Wellness|Tags: |

Introduction to Uncertainty The topic of uncertainty can feel overwhelming at the mere mention of the word.  Anxiety-provoking, the word “uncertainty” leaves a sour taste of confusion and sometimes even feelings of helplessness. Philosophers, psychologists, and artists alike will use the topic of uncertainty as a core topic in their work. Yet, despite the scary [...]

Setting Boundaries in Addiction Recovery Using CBT

By |March 19th, 2022|Categories: Adults, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health, Personal development, Treatment|

Boundaries are essential to healthy relationships and, really, a healthy life. Setting and sustaining boundaries is a skill. Alcohol and substance use addiction recovery can be a long and challenging journey. If you are reading this and you are currently on that journey, I would love to take some time and provide you with some [...]

Dos and Don’t on How to Self-Care

By |March 8th, 2022|Categories: Adults, Everyday tips, Personal development, Wellness|Tags: , , |

You are worthy of self-love. Many of us have heard that self-care is important and that we need to make it a priority.  Yet, what about when we have busy schedules and lifestyles?  What about for the parents, the caregivers, the people who work long shifts or multiple jobs?  Let’s face it, life gets [...]

CBT for Relationship Anxiety

By |February 23rd, 2022|Categories: Adults, Anxiety, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health, Relationships, Social Anxiety|

Defining Relationship Anxiety We, as humans, are thought to be social beings.  Most of us are reliant on having relationships with friends, family, and acquaintances. For those individuals who have an interest in dating, a romantic relationship become a major component for social interaction. Relationships can provide a sense of comfort, as well as, a [...]

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and How to Work Through it

By |February 19th, 2022|Categories: Adults, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Everyday tips, Health, Mental Health, Treatment, Wellness|

What is SAD? After the excitement of the holiday season ends and we begin a new year, Winter can begin to feel like a drag.  We find ourselves dreaming of warmer weather and craving breaks from our daily mundane routines. While experiencing bouts of sadness in any season can be completely normal, those who deal [...]

5 Ways to Set Boundaries in Relationships

By |February 10th, 2022|Categories: Adults, Mental Health, Relationships|

Defining Boundaries Let's start out with a very important question: What exactly is a boundary? As far as the definition goes, a boundary is a line, whether it be real or imagined, which marks the edge or limit of something. Cambridge Dictionary  This can be seen through boundaries on properties, such as a household having [...]

Prioritize Self-Love This Valentine’s Day (+ 3 Strategies How!)

By |February 9th, 2022|Categories: Adults, Everyday tips, Mental Health, Personal development|

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, love is in the air. For some of us, it can feel like love is in the air a little too much.  While there is often an emphasis on romantic love this time of year, it can be easy to neglect what I argue to be the most [...]

How to Use the 5 Love Languages with Your Special Someone this Valentine’s Day:

By |February 2nd, 2022|Categories: Adults, Everyday tips, Relationships|

Five Love Languages It’s February and you know what that means... chocolates, hearts, flowers, and lots of plushies coming to stores near you!  But, what does one do when they want something unique for themselves and their partner that doesn't fit the yearly cliche? Well, I would like to introduce to you “The Five Love Languages” [...]

Healthy Habit Tracking for 2022

By |January 12th, 2022|Categories: Adults, Everyday tips, Personal development|

This Year: Turn the Habits You Want into Manageable Goals! 3...2...1...Happy New Year! The start of a new year means new resolutions, manifestations, goals, and aspirations.  And what better way to track those resolutions than through a habit tracker, right? Habits trackers provide many benefits, most notably providing a bold, organized way to view how [...]

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