Adults Articles

Facts About Overdose & Treatment

By |2023-08-31T14:02:40+02:00August 18th, 2023|Categories: Adults, Health, Mental Health, Treatment|

What is an overdose? Overdose (OD) happens to a person when a toxic amount of a drug, or multiple drugs, overwhelms the bodyWritten by Harm Reduction . Overdosing can occur with a variety of substances, even over-the-counter painkillers and alcohol. Opioid overdoses occur when there are too many opioids in the body or a [...]

How To Make Friends As An Adult

By |2023-08-31T15:48:51+02:00August 9th, 2023|Categories: Adults, Everyday tips, Mental Health, Relationships, Social Anxiety|

Friendship in Adulthood August 6th this year is Friendship Day. Friendships are something to celebrate. Having friends has positive effects on our physical and mental health. A 2017 study, published in the Journal of Personal Relationships, found that investing in friendships over the lifespan led to increased happiness and well-being. However, despite the importance [...]

Human Trafficking Awareness & Tips to Protect Yourself

By |2023-08-31T14:04:08+02:00July 27th, 2023|Categories: Adults, Health, Mental Health, Trauma|

What is Human Trafficking? Human Trafficking is a type of act that involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion, as a means to obtain a form of labour or commercial sex act. Traffickers lure victims into trafficking situations through the use of violence, manipulation, romantic relationships, and false promises involving well-paying jobsWritten by [...]

Three CBT Techniques For OCD

By |2023-08-31T14:28:44+02:00May 27th, 2023|Categories: Adults, Anxiety, Mental Health, OCD, Treatment|

What Is OCD? OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) is an anxiety disorder. It can affect anyone of any age and background. People with OCD tend to experience obsessions and compulsions. These obsessions and compulsions can be distressing, time-consuming and impact daily life. Obsessions refer to intrusive thoughts or images that frequently arise in the mind of [...]

Sexual Assault Awareness

By |2023-08-31T14:30:32+02:00May 8th, 2023|Categories: Adults, CBT, Health, Mental Health, Sexuality, Trauma, Treatment|

What is Sexual Assault? Sexual assault or sexual violence refers to any sexual activity where one party was unable or unwilling to offer consent. Sexual assault is a major public health crisis in the United States. This type of event has a life-long impact on victims' health, opportunities, and well-being. Individuals of all genders, [...]

Navigating Infertility

By |2023-08-31T14:30:43+02:00May 4th, 2023|Categories: Adults, Everyday tips, Health, Mental Health, Pregnancy, Treatment|

The Pain of Infertility Are you ready to have a baby and finding the excitement is palpable?  I've experienced the expectancy to see that double line show up on the home pregnancy test and I know the disappointment that accompanies a negative result. Unfortunately, for many people, the excruciating pain of amassing negative results [...]

CBT for Adults with Autism

By |2023-08-31T14:31:34+02:00May 1st, 2023|Categories: Adults, Autism, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Everyday tips, Mental Health|

April is Autism Awareness Month In celebration of Autism Awareness Month, the Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC)/National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) honors the contribution of people on the autism spectrum and the autism community to our nation and the world. OARC and NIMH recognize the need for supporting, understanding, accepting, including, and empowering people on the [...]

Five CBT Stress-Busting Tips For Spring

By |2023-08-31T14:31:48+02:00April 26th, 2023|Categories: Adults, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Everyday tips, Health, Mental Health, Stress, Treatment|

What Is Stress? Stress is considered to be how we react when we feel overwhelmed, pressured or when we find something threatening. It’s a normal human response and we can all experience stress sometimes. Not all stress is bad for us and some stress can even be helpful. For instance, helpful stress can motivate [...]

Resolving Family Conflicts

By |2023-08-31T14:32:07+02:00April 17th, 2023|Categories: Adults, CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Everyday tips, Health, Kids, Mental Health, Parenting, Personal development, Relationships|

What Can Family Conflict Sound Like? “Why do you always have to be right?” “You’re ruining my life!” “You’re so messed up.” “Stop being so emotional.” Have you ever been on the receiving end of statements such as these? If you’re human, and you’re in any type of relationship with other humans, there is [...]

Four Simple CBT Techniques To Improve Self-Esteem

By |2023-08-31T22:28:35+02:00April 14th, 2023|Categories: Adults, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Everyday tips, Mental Health, Personal development, Wellness|

What Is Self-Esteem? Self-esteem is a person’s subjective evaluation of themselves. It doesn’t necessarily match a person’s objective abilities and qualities. For example, a person can feel that they’re unlikeable to others despite actually making friends easily. Self-esteem is often divided into two categories. Global self-esteem is a person’s appraisal of their overall worth. [...]

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