Anxiety Test

Category: Anxiety Online Therapy | Last updated: October 11th, 2018 | Reviewed and approved by:

Signs and symptoms of anxiety

Anxiety, in small doses, does not harm us. In fact, it helps us to stay alert and focused and to deal with challenging situations. However, anxiety should only last while it is needed. If it becomes excessive and impacts your daily functioning, it may mean that you are experiencing an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders are not one-dimensional, but instead vary from person to person. One person might get panicky at the thought of stepping into an elevator or speaking with strangers, while another may suffer from intense anxiety attacks that strike without apparent reason.

Even though the face of anxiety varies, the common denominator is always the same: having constant fear or worry in situations that most other people would experience as problem-free.

Emotional symptoms of anxiety

In addition to a constant feeling of worry and fear, these are common emotional symptoms:

Having problems concentrating
Irrational catastrophic thinking
Fear of losing control
Feeling of impending danger
Feeling irritable and restless
Constant feeling of being overwhelmed

Physical symptoms of anxiety

Anxiety is a part of our body’s natural and essential alarm systems and plays an important role when you need to quickly gather strength to escape from danger. Anxiety activates several defense reactions that enhance responsiveness in your body. The muscles are tightened, the heart starts beating faster and you breathe more intensely. This is partly due to an increased amount of adrenaline and other stress hormones that are released into your blood.

When suffering from anxiety, it is common that you experience all or some of these physical symptoms:

Rapid heart rate
Shortness of breath
Excessive sweating
Dryness in the mouth
Frequent urination
Stomach cramps and diarrhea
Muscle weakness
Tiredness and sleep difficulty

Further reading: Overcome your anxiety with online therapy.

If you suffer from any of the symptoms described above, we recommend that you take this test. Evaluate the statements and select the option that you feel best reflects the way you have felt for the past two weeks. The test is, of course, anonymous and free (see our privacy policy).

This anxiety test is not to be seen as a final diagnosis. If you are uncertain about your result, we suggest that you get professional help as soon as possible.

Partly true
Not true
1. I often feel stressed and tense.
2. I am not satisfied with my life.
3. I don't feel good about myself.
4. I have stomach cramps, diarrhea or other digestive problems.
5. I don't feel secure.
6. My mood and behavior are often unstable.
7. I don't feel that I'm in control of my body and my mind.
8. I often feel edgy and restless.
9. My worries are overwhelming.
10. It is difficult for me to get rid of unpleasant thoughts and worries.
11. Before I get to sleep, my mind wanders and I think about all the troubles and worries I have.
12. I worry about things that aren't worth it.
13. I worry about things that I can't change.
14. When I finish a task, I feel uncertain that I did it correctly.
15. I often experience increased heart rate and sweaty hand palms.
16. I rarely dream ordinary, nice dreams. Instead it's mostly nightmares.
17. At the moment, I don't feel physically OK.
18. I am afraid of what awaits me in the future.
19. I avoid dealing with things and situations that I find difficult.
20. I experience difficulty swallowing or feel like I have a lump in my throat.
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