Anger Test

Category: Anger Management Online | Last updated: October 8th, 2018 | Reviewed and approved by:

Signs and symptoms of anger problems

Anger is a natural human emotion that we all experience from time to time. Anger - when used right - is a healthy response when we need to defend ourselves, both physically from an attack and emotionally when we feel that someone is violating our boundaries, integrity and independence.

Common factors that can make you angry

You feel humiliated or embarrassed
You feel disappointed
You feel that you failed
You feel envy
You are being teased or bullied
Someone is being rude
You have a physical condition, like PMS
You have a mental disorder
You have a substance/behavioral addiction
You have financial problems
Stressful and/or annoying situations like traffic jams and bad service

The human being is programmed with an instinct for danger that makes us willing to "fight or flight". The threat inspires feelings and behaviors in an often powerfully aggressive manner, making it possible for us to be able to fight and defend ourselves when we are being attacked. A certain amount of anger is thus essential to our survival. When you are angry, your body releases stress hormones, like adrenaline, that make your pulse and heart rate go up, your body temperature to increase and for you to breathe faster. Your body is prepared to fight.

Emotional, behavioral and physical signs and symptoms of anger

You feel irritated
You have feelings of resentment
You feel a desire or need to act out verbally and your voice gets louder
You feel a desire or need to act out physically (throwing things or even hurting yourself or others)
You say and do things that you do not mean
You feel a desire to escape from the situation
You feel a need to use substances to make you calm down
You behave anxiously (like fidgeting with your hands)
You behave rudely/sarcastically/abusively
You grind your teeth
You clench your jaw
You have stomach problems
You get a faster heart rate and more rapid breathing
You sweat more than usual
You get hot flashes
Your body is trembling
You feel dizzy

If your anger becomes excessive or uncontrollable, it can be destructive and may lead to problems at work, in your relationships and in your overall life. When having anger problems, it is common to often regret your actions afterwards, since it hurts your loved ones. But the impulse to react is too strong at the time. When anger gets out of control, the consequences can be very serious and there are no limits to what it will lead to for yourself and others.

Uncontrolled or unresolved anger can lead to many problems, including:

Hurting yourself or others
Depression and low self-esteem
Eating disorders
Substance or behavioral abuse
High blood pressure
Stomach disorders
Stroke and heart attacks
Compromised immune system

Further reading: Overcome anger problems with online therapy.

If you suffer from any of the symptoms described above, we recommend that you take this test. Evaluate the statements and select the option that you feel best reflects the way you have felt for the past two weeks. The test is, of course, anonymous and free (see our privacy policy).

This anger test is not to be seen as a final diagnosis. If you are uncertain about your result, we suggest that you get professional help as soon as possible.

Partly true
Not true
1. I have a tendency to pick at others over behavior that upsets me. For example, I am always complaining about what others do or how they react.
2. I easily blow up when someone says something that I do not agree with or when people disagree with me.
3. When I am angry, I have problems controlling my emotions and actions, often saying or doing things that I do not really mean.
4. I often feel guilty after I have been angry with someone.
5. I can easily become furious, if someone teases or jokes with me.
6. When I am angry, I find it really difficult to discuss a problem in a controlled manner.
7. I often feel a need to be in control all the time, being unwilling to let others take the lead.
8. I explode inside when I am not getting my way.
9. I feel upset when others make mistakes.
10. I often become upset while driving, because someone in front of me is driving too slowly.
11. I have experienced problems in my relationship, at work or with my friends and family due to my anger.
12. When someone says even the slightest negative thing about me, I feel like I am about to explode inside.
13. I have been in trouble with the law due to my anger.
14. When I am angry I can physically feel it in my body; my heart rate increases; I breathe faster; my body trembles, I sweat etc.
15. I have used some type of substance (like alcohol, drugs or medication) to calm me down.
16. I have physically hurt others or myself while I was angry.
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